Thanks to everyone for coming on our opening night – we had a great time and hope all you founder members did too, learned something and maybe got a taste for coding! Thanks too to all the parents and volunteers who got stuck in to make it all happen.
If you want to review the material we covered on the first night you can download it here Session1-html Material, you’ll find code samples, images and the presentation slides within.
Next week we’ll be doing a follow on session on HTML. You should then be able to make your own website so have a think what you might want it to be about.
After that, we really want to know what you want to do. We may do a different type of coding, split up into groups, some on HTML, some not, whatever works. We’re here to help you learn a new skill and, more importantly, build something cool – you get to decide what it is!
If you want to try learning the next bits of HTML yourselves, there’s tons of stuff on the web (it is what the web is made of, after all). Good starting places are and
To keep in touch, join the mailing list on Google Groups. This will be a good place for us to make announcements but also for group discussion and asking questions.
Hope to see you all next week. Remember to charge up fully before you come and the one Coder Dojo rule: Above All, Be Cool
The Coder Dojo Dun Laoghaire Team